We trust everyone is keeping safe. There have been a number of enquiries from our parishioners asking how they can continue to make their weekly offerings during this time. Here are some of the options available.
If you are a member of the Gift Aid Scheme and would like to change your method of contribution to standing order, I would ask you to complete the Standing Order Mandate and send it to your bank, quoting your envelope number or your name, as the reference. Alternatively, if you have online banking, you can set up the standing order yourself.
If you would like to join the Gift Aid Scheme, I would ask you to complete the Standing Order Mandate as above. Please quote your name as the reference. You will also need to complete the Gift Aid Declaration and return it when you are able to do so, to the Parish Priest or, send it electronically to stbernadette@rcdom.org.uk.
If you do not wish to join the Gift Aid Scheme, but want to continue to make a regular payment, this can be done by standing order. Payment should be made to the account detailed on the Standing Order Mandate, quoting “Weekly NGA” as a reference.
If you would like to contribute monthly the following is an example of the calculation:
Weekly offering x 52 / 12