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We Are Getting Ready to Open

Updated: Jun 24, 2020

St Bernadette’s welcomes the announcement of the First Minister on Thursday 18th June. We can now step-up our preparations to get ready to open!

We can open for private prayer and contemplation from Monday 22nd of June, but only if we are fully prepared.

Following the guidance of the Bishops of Scotland, there is a need for volunteers to be present to ensure that guidelines on cleaning and physical distancing are implemented.

Many of our regular volunteers will not be available. We need you if we are going to be able to open. If you are fit and healthy and could give an hour a week to offer, we need you to volunteer. You do not need any specific experience and there is no need to have volunteered before.

We envisage that the church will be open for specific periods of time, hopefully daily but this will be dependent on the availability of volunteers.

If you are able to volunteer, please complete the appropriate form and return it either by email to or by hand to the parish house.

Please return Volunteer Form A if you currently volunteer with the church, and Volunteer Form B if this is your first time volunteering. If you are 16 or 17, you can volunteer to assist with the cleaning using Volunteer Form C.

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hello! 🙏🏻 After the death of Canon Healy I felt very saddened I had seen him getting very frail and had spoken to him and oh! how he loved St Bernadette too, I got to thinking I, was Baptised Made my First Holy Communion and Confirmed in this Parish and loved it dearly, and also went to St Bernadettes School taught under Miss Jane McGowan who was a fantastic influence on me which I will be eternally grateful for, way back in 1956 I always think of the Priests who guided and instructed us both in Chapel and in school as then the Priests came to hear confession in school but after many years life has passed so quickly …

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